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Join the 5 Days Engagement Challenge

Like you, we care about student results.

We have been in the online education space for over 10 years, with user success rates 4-5 times the industry norm… but it’s not good enough!

As a result of failures with the current education system, we created the LRNiT Engagement Formula that is entirely designed to bring education OUT of the Stone Age & into the Technology Revolution!

Are you a coach, mentor, leader, educator, content creator or teacher?

Most of us are teachers of some kind… whether we know it or not!

Whether you have an exercise class, a ‘How to use excel’ video, have been tasked with training new staff, a different and amazing way to cook steak (like me), or you just want to get your kid to start saving money!

You are a teacher of something!

But here is the problem. No one finishes your stuff.

No one watches to the end of the video.

No one reads to the end of the page.

No one gets to the bottom of the emails without skipping lines.

AND no one really wants to change or learn anything!

I mean they may say it, they may need the information but the real problem lays in society’s attention span.

NEW STUDIES say that in the past 15 years attention spans have dropped from 12 to 8 seconds!

How can someone learn anything in 8 seconds?

Well, that’s what I’m going to show you!

Check out the 5-day ENGAGEMENT CHALLENGE if you want to create compelling content.

I’ll show you the most important chemicals that stimulate attention and learning.

– How to tell a story.

– What you need to create a tribe of followers.

– And most importantly how to get people to want to learn!

If you ever want your kids to take out the garbage without a fight you need to check out the 5-day ENGAGEMENT CHALLENGE.


Dr. Kelly holds degrees in Business, Education and Healthcare. He is a skilled chiropractor and soft tissue rehabilitation specialist, whose practice focuses on helping patients live healthier and more fulfilling lives.

Dr. Kelly’s journey for impact and purpose started at the age of 15 when he picked up the Anthony Robbins book ‘Unlimited Power’. Since then he has experienced both success and failure but has continued to learn, grow and teach the process of knowledge integration.

He is a strong advocate for educational reform and believes that we are about to experience a massive change in the way information is both taught and integrated into society!

He also really likes golf and scotch!


Dr. Kelly Polzin

Are you a coach, mentor, leader, educator, content creator or teacher?

Most of us are teachers of some kind… whether we know it or not!

Whether you have an exercise class, a ‘How to use excel’ video, have been tasked with training new staff, a different and amazing way to cook steak (like me), or you just want to get your kid to start saving money!

You are a teacher of something!

But here is the problem. No one finishes your stuff.

No one watches to the end of the video.

No one reads to the end of the page.

No one gets to the bottom of the emails without skipping lines.

AND no one really wants to change or learn anything!

I mean they may say it, they may need the information but the real problem lays in society’s attention span.

NEW STUDIES say that in the past 15 years attention spans have dropped from 12 to 8 seconds!

How can someone learn anything in 8 seconds?

Well, that’s what I’m going to show you!

Check out the 5-day ENGAGEMENT CHALLENGE if you want to create compelling content.

I’ll show you the most important chemicals that stimulate attention and learning.

– How to tell a story.

– What you need to create a tribe of followers.

– And most importantly how to get people to want to learn!

If you ever want your kids to take out the garbage without a fight you need to check out the 5-day ENGAGEMENT CHALLENGE.


Dr. Kelly holds degrees in Business, Education and Healthcare. He is a skilled chiropractor and soft tissue rehabilitation specialist, whose practice focuses on helping patients live healthier and more fulfilling lives.

Dr. Kelly’s journey for impact and purpose started at the age of 15 when he picked up the Anthony Robbins book ‘Unlimited Power’. Since then he has experienced both success and failure but has continued to learn, grow and teach the process of knowledge integration.

He is a strong advocate for educational reform and believes that we are about to experience a massive change in the way information is both taught and integrated into society!

He also really likes golf and scotch!


Dr. Kelly Polzin

Here's WHY you need to register for the
5 Day Engagement Challenge

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