Formally The FreedomU Podcast, LRNiT TV strives to delve deep, helping you to peel back your layers and reveal what greatness lies beneath.

Our guests bring their wisdom to help you in not only your business but your personal life too.

Listen to LRNiT TV

I’m going to give you one simple technique that will quadruple your video engagement with your students. I’m telling you, you do this one thing, and it will change everything about the way that your videos or your students interact with your videos. Write down a promise to yourself that you’re gonna try this today.

If you want to make content that matters, that makes a difference, and that people love to consume, check out www.LRNiT.ca for our next content challenge. If you got some real value from this video then hit “SUBSCRIBE” and turn on notifications so that you don’t miss anything!

This is Dr. Kelly’s most successful ‘Creating Engaging Content’ package: Virtual Content Mastery – Plan, Create, and Publish the most consumed informative content on the web! If you want more information on this program email: drkelly@lrnit.ca

I’m going to reveal a 2000-year-old technique that will actually get your students and get your audience to lean in and say, “Please give me more of what you got”.

If you want to know more, make sure you watch this section of the next learning moment. If you want to make content that matters, that makes a difference, and that people love to consume, check out www.LRNiT.ca for our next content challenge. If you got some real value from this video then hit “SUBSCRIBE” and turn on notifications so that you don’t miss anything!

This is Dr. Kelly’s most successful ‘Creating Engaging Content’ package: Virtual Content Mastery – Plan, Create, and Publish the most consumed informative content on the web! If you want more information on this program email: drkelly@lrnit.ca

This is the answer to ALL questions. Get this right and everything else will be easy. Get it wrong and nothing else can be right!

Lots of talk about questions, lots of time spent on this. Why? Why do you/I care about questions? Well, they are foundational. A great question can change the way a human’s brain actually works, it can change Neuro connections faster than any other method. So you better use them!

If you want to make content that matters, that makes a difference, and that people love to consume, check out www.LRNiT.ca for our next content challenge.

If you got some real value from this video then hit “SUBSCRIBE” and turn on notifications so that you don’t miss anything!

This is Dr. Kelly’s most successful ‘Creating Engaging Content’ package: Virtual Content Mastery – Plan, Create, and Publish the most consumed informative content on the web! If you want more information on this program email: drkelly@lrnit.ca

The most powerful question that I have ever been asked…

If you want to make a more significant impact you have to ask better questions. 

Questions help the consumers to process the information.  Questions bring better relevance to your material and in this episode, I’ll show you how they also help for accountability! If you want to make content that matters, that makes a difference, and that people love to consume, check out www.LRNiT.ca for our next content challenge.

If you got some real value from this video then hit “SUBSCRIBE” and turn on notifications so that you don’t miss anything!

This is Dr. Kelly’s most successful ‘Creating Engaging Content’ package: Virtual Content Mastery – Plan, Create, and Publish the most consumed informative content on the web!  If you want more information on this program email: drkelly@lrnit.ca

What is the desired consequence for the education consumer?

When you look at it through a different filter, it will seem completely different.

I want you to look at content creation in terms of where are we actually going with this. What’s the desired outcome for the consumer of that education? And when you look through it with that filter, it’s going to look very, very different. 

If you want to make content that matters, content that makes a difference, and content that people love to consume check out www.LRNiT.ca for our next content challenge.

If you got some real value from this video then hit “SUBSCRIBE” and turn on notifications so that you don’t miss anything! This is Dr. Kelly’s most successful ‘Creating Engaging Content’ package: Virtual Content Mastery – Plan, Create, and Publish the most consumed informative content on the web! If you want more information on this program email: drkelly@lrnit.ca

Anxiety is real. Google reports increases in anxiety-related searches over the past two years.

Find out how best to calm people down and make them comfortable so that they can learn and benefit from your content.

In episode #67 we are going to get into some of the best ways to deal with high anxiety students and staff in the learning environment.

How do you create content that matters, that makes a difference, and that people love to consume? If you want to find out how to get involved check out www.LRNiT.ca for our next content challenge.

Making an audience fall in love with you is the goal of excellent acting, whether you’re in a casting room, on stage, in a film, or on television.

In Episode #66, we are going to get into some of the best ways to deal with it. You’ll learn how to go beyond the obvious, make interesting decisions, and unleash your most fascinating self in every part of How to Make Your Audience Fall in Love with You.

How do you develop material that is meaningful, makes a difference, and is enjoyable to consume? Visit www.LRNiT.ca to learn how to participate in our next content challenge.

You only have 5 seconds to decide between success and failure!  5 Seconds.  If you only have 5 seconds you better know how to use them wisely!

The only power you have in life is in the moment between the event (any event) and how you respond to the event (your reaction).  Understanding that can create massive change in you and your students!

If you want to make content that matters, content that makes a difference, and content that people love to consume check out www.LRNiT.ca for our next content challenge.

If you got some real value from this video then hit “SUBSCRIBE” and turn on notifications so that you don’t miss anything!

This is Dr. Kelly’s most successful ‘Creating Engaging Content’ package: Virtual Content Mastery – Plan, Create, and Publish the most consumed informative content on the web!  If you want more information on this program email: drkelly@lrnit.ca 

Anxiety is real. Google reports increases in anxiety-related searches over the past two years. Find out how best to calm people down and make them comfortable so that they can learn and benefit from your content.

In episode #64 we are going to get into some of the best ways to deal with high anxiety students and staff in the learning environment.

How do you create content that matters, that makes a difference, and that people love to consume? If you want to find out how to get involved check out www.LRNiT.ca for our next content challenge.

This is Dr. Kelly’s most successful ‘Creating Engaging Content’ package: Virtual Content Mastery – Plan, Create, and Publish the most consumed informative content on the web!  If you want more information on this program email: drkelly@lrnit.ca

There are amazing benefits to feeling the ‘boredom’ doing repetitive tasks. It is a crucial to fully embrace it in order to move forward!

The road to mastery should be your life’s mission. Pick one thing, something, anything it doesn’t matter…just be passionate about it and start down the road to mastery! You will learn and grow so much and power comes in the tedium. Embrace the tedium and watch yourself grow!!!

If you want to make content that matters, content that makes a difference, and content that people love to consume check out www.LRNiT.ca for our next content challenge.

If you got some real value from this video then hit “SUBSCRIBE” and turn on notifications so that you don’t miss anything!

This is Dr. Kelly’s most successful ‘Creating Engaging Content’ package: Virtual Content Mastery – Plan, Create, and Publish the most consumed informative content on the web! If you want more information on this program email: drkelly@lrnit.ca

Everyone always wants to know “what is my stuff worth?” AND almost always overvalues what they think it is worth compared to the rest of the market. 

In 7 mins I’ll show you how to value what your stuff is worth, how to know if you are an expert, and the difference between infotainment and educational engagement.

If you want to make content that matters, content that makes a difference, and content that people love to consume check out www.LRNiT.ca for our next content challenge.

If you got some real value from this video then hit “SUBSCRIBE” and turn on notifications so that you don’t miss anything!

This is Dr. Kelly’s most successful ‘Creating Engaging Content’ package: Virtual Content Mastery – Plan, Create, and Publish the most consumed informative content on the web!  If you want more information on this program email: drkelly@lrnit.ca 

We live in a ‘feel good’ society.  Everyone wants to feel good all the time.  The problem with feeling good all the time is that you miss the huge benefit of forcing yourself to take action!  In this episode, we are going to discuss the power of self-contracts!

Never negotiate.  Start Small.  Set expectations.  Making small changes leads to massive change!  In this episode of the LNRiT Moment, we are going to get into why making contracts and starting small leads to huge changes!! 

If you want to make content that matters, content that makes a difference, and content that people love to consume check out www.LRNiT.ca for our next content challenge.

If you got some real value from this video then hit “SUBSCRIBE” and turn on notifications so that you don’t miss anything!

This is Dr. Kelly’s most successful ‘Creating Engaging Content’ package: Virtual Content Mastery – Plan, Create, and Publish the most consumed informative content on the web!  If you want more information on this program email: drkelly@lrnit.ca 

There is a big difference between quitting and failure.  Knowing the difference can change your life. In this episode, we look at how to never fail again!

10 minutes to never fail again!?  Sounds like a good investment to me! In this episode of the LRNiT Moment, we discuss how to never fail again and how to figure out your own personal philosophy on change!

If you want to make content that matters, content that makes a difference, and content that people love to consume check out www.LRNiT.ca for our next content challenge.

If you got some real value from this video then hit “SUBSCRIBE” and turn on notifications so that you don’t miss anything!

This is Dr. Kelly’s most successful ‘Creating Engaging Content’ package: Virtual Content Mastery – Plan, Create, and Publish the most consumed informative content on the web!  If you want more information on this program email: drkelly@lrnit.ca

Knowing what to do next is one of the most important things that you can do to increase productivity.  In this episode of The LRNiT Moment, I will show you what to do next!

This one is jam-packed with info…too much content for a 10-minute segment!  Bring your notepad, bring your pencil and get ready for some bonkers strategies on what to do when you don’t know what to do!!! 

If you want to make content that matters, content that makes a difference, and content that people love to consume check out www.LRNiT.ca for our next content challenge.

If you got some real value from this video then hit “SUBSCRIBE” and turn on notifications so that you don’t miss anything!

This is Dr. Kelly’s most successful ‘Creating Engaging Content’ package: Virtual Content Mastery – Plan, Create, and Publish the most consumed informative content on the web!  If you want more information on this program email: drkelly@lrnit.ca 

What is the number one thing that people value?  I promise it is important to know!  Find out on this episode of the LRNiT Moment!

Attaching your company values to the values of your staff and customers is the only way to invoke positive change and long-term growth!  Find out in 9 minutes what you can do to make sure you are moving in the right direction! 

If you want to make content that matters, content that makes a difference, and content that people love to consume check out www.LRNiT.ca for our next content challenge.

If you got some real value from this video then hit “SUBSCRIBE” and turn on notifications so that you don’t miss anything!

This is Dr. Kelly’s most successful ‘Creating Engaging Content’ package: Virtual Content Mastery – Plan, Create, and Publish the most consumed informative content on the web!  If you want more information on this program email: drkelly@lrnit.ca 

If you care about why people quit, why they don’t finish your programs then this LRNiT Moment is for you!

The question is “why don’t people finish your material (only 3% of people ever finish online courses unless they are forced to).  So why is that and what can we do to fix it?  This 8 minute video will start to answer that question and get you going in the right direction!

If you want to make content that matters, content that makes a difference, and content that people love to consume check out www.LRNiT.ca for our next content challenge.

If you got some real value from this video then hit “SUBSCRIBE” and turn on notifications so that you don’t miss anything!

This is Dr. Kelly’s most successful ‘Creating Engaging Content’ package: Virtual Content Mastery – Plan, Create, and Publish the most consumed informative content on the web!  If you want more information on this program email: drkelly@lrnit.ca 

How is education like searching for treasure?  How is education like marketing?  In this 9-minute episode of The LRNiT Moment, we dive deep into finding out what you truly desire! 

The fact that we spend more time creating content that resonates with our sales prospects than we do figuring out how we can make our content more connected to our student’s phase of life is a massive problem.  In this episode of The LRNiT Moment, we will get deep into creating educational content that is suited to your learners!

If you want to make content that matters, content that makes a difference, and content that people love to consume check out www.LRNiT.ca for our next content challenge.

If you got some real value from this video then hit “SUBSCRIBE” and turn on notifications so that you don’t miss anything!

This is Dr. Kelly’s most successful ‘Creating Engaging Content’ package: Virtual Content Mastery – Plan, Create, and Publish the most consumed informative content on the web!  If you want more information on this program email: drkelly@lrnit.ca 

In 6 minutes we will get deep into the ‘great resignation’ and what we all need to do to prepare for it! 

Unless you want to lose more than 40% of your workforce to the great resignation you better prepare.  In this LRNiT moment, we are going to review 3 things you must do to prevent this from coming to your company!

If you want to make content that matters, content that makes a difference, and content that people love to consume check out www.LRNiT.ca for our next content challenge.

If you got some real value from this video then hit “SUBSCRIBE” and turn on notifications so that you don’t miss anything!

This is Dr. Kelly’s most successful ‘Creating Engaging Content’ package: Virtual Content Mastery – Plan, Create, and Publish the most consumed informative content on the web!  If you want more information on this program email: drkelly@lrnit.ca 

The instant energy process will take you from a 6 to a 10 in a heartbeat.

3 skills you need to create a MUST have an attitude about your content! 

If you want to make content that matters, content that makes a difference, and content that people love to consume check out www.LRNiT.ca for our next content challenge.

If you got some real value from this video then hit “SUBSCRIBE” and turn on notifications so that you don’t miss anything!

This is Dr. Kelly’s most successful ‘Creating Engaging Content’ package: Virtual Content Mastery – Plan, Create, and Publish the most consumed informative content on the web!  If you want more information on this program email: drkelly@lrnit.ca 

We’re going to get in on how you do that leaning in, holding on to the edge of your seat for every word.

Every sense is just a little heightened. You can smell things you haven’t smelled before, you can see things you’re hearing, and time seems to almost stand still.

If you want to make content that matters, content that makes a difference, content that people love to consume check out www.LRNiT.ca for our next content challenge.

If you got some real value from this video then hit “SUBSCRIBE” and turn on notifications so that you don’t miss anything!

This is Dr. Kelly’s most successful ‘Creating Engaging Content’ package: Virtual Content Mastery – Plan, Create, and Publish the most consumed informative content on the web! If you want more information on this program email: drkelly@lrnit.ca

Most education is just ‘nice to have’, make yours a MUST HAVE!  Click the link for the full 8 min episode.

3 skills you need to create a MUST have attitude about your content!

If you want to make content that matters, content that makes a difference, and content that people love to consume check out www.LRNiT.ca for our next content challenge.

If you got some real value from this video then hit “SUBSCRIBE” and turn on notifications so that you don’t miss anything!

This is Dr. Kelly’s most successful ‘Creating Engaging Content’ package: Virtual Content Mastery – Plan, Create, and Publish the most consumed informative content on the web!  If you want more information on this program email: drkelly@lrnit.ca

In less than 10 minutes I can make you better in front of the camera…promise!  Click the link for the full episode.

Being camera shy is not uncommon, in fact, it is normal.  The ‘dead eyes’ of the camera are enough to throw the most seasoned veteran off their game!  In this episode I will help you to cure being camera shy for life…this may be part 1. 

If you want to make content that matters, content that makes a difference, and content that people love to consume check out www.LRNiT.ca for our next content challenge.

If you got some real value from this video then hit “SUBSCRIBE” and turn on notifications so that you don’t miss anything!

This is Dr. Kelly’s most successful ‘Creating Engaging Content’ package: Virtual Content Mastery – Plan, Create, and Publish the most consumed informative content on the web!  If you want more information on this program email: drkelly@lrnit.ca

A lot of presuppositions in education don’t facilitate actual, what I call, an informational utility within the education system, he says. Let me tell you why this is of massive value to you.

Have you ever learned to ride a bicycle just by reading about it? Well, I feel like there are a lot of assumptions in education that don’t enable actual learning.

I want you to look at content creation in terms of where are we actually going with this? What’s the desired outcome for the consumer of that education? And when you look through it with that filter, it’s going to look very, very different.

If you want to make content that matters, content that makes a difference, content that people love to consume check out www.LRNiT.ca for our next content challenge.

If you got some real value from this video then hit “SUBSCRIBE” and turn on notifications so that you don’t miss anything!

This is Dr. Kelly’s most successful ‘Creating Engaging Content’ package: Virtual Content Mastery – Plan, Create, and Publish the most consumed informative content on the web!  If you want more information on this program email: drkelly@lrnit.ca

A lot of presuppositions in education don’t facilitate actual, what I call, an informational utility within the education system, he says. Let me tell you why this is of massive value to you.

Have you ever learned to ride a bicycle just by reading about it? Well, I feel like there are a lot of assumptions in education that don’t enable actual learning.

I want you to look at content creation in terms of where are we actually going with this. What’s the desired outcome for the consumer of that education? And when you look through it with that filter, it’s going to look very, very different.

If you want to make content that matters, content that makes a difference, content that people love to consume check out www.LRNiT.ca for our next content challenge.

If you got some real value from this video then hit “SUBSCRIBE” and turn on notifications so that you don’t miss anything!

This is Dr. Kelly’s most successful ‘Creating Engaging Content’ package: Virtual Content Mastery – Plan, Create, and Publish the most consumed informative content on the web!  If you want more information on this program email: drkelly@lrnit.ca

9 minutes to the most powerful questions you can ever ask!  Powerful questions get powerful results.  A great question can create intrigue, and curiosity, and most importantly creates an environment of active listening.  Find out how to ask powerful questions Click the link for the full episode.

What is the benefit to your customer in just 9 mins? Why should they listen to you?  How could the consumer of your content possibly benefit from listening to your gas?  These are some tough questions, but you better know the answer before you roll cameras, start that lecture, or even go into that presentation.  If you don’t your engagement outcomes will suck!

If you want to make content that matters, content that makes a difference, and content that people love to consume check out www.LRNiT.ca for our next content challenge.

If you got some real value from this video then hit “SUBSCRIBE” and turn on notifications so that you don’t miss anything!

This is Dr. Kelly’s most successful ‘Creating Engaging Content’ package: Virtual Content Mastery – Plan, Create, and Publish the most consumed informative content on the web!  If you want more information on this program email: drkelly@lrnit.ca

Ever been so frustrated that you want to pull your hair out…I have! Here are the top 4 things you need to do so that you can transform frustration into inspiration!  This process will help you to reframe the culture in your office so that frustration can be fun!  Click the link for the full episode.

If you experience frustration at work then you need to watch this episode so that frustration becomes fun in your office.  Here are the top 4 things you need to do so that you can transform frustration into inspiration!  This process will help you to reframe the culture in your office so that frustration gets results!

>If you want to make content that matters, content that makes a difference, and content that people love to consume check out www.LRNiT.ca for our next content challenge.

If you got some real value from this video then hit “SUBSCRIBE” and turn on notifications so that you don’t miss anything!

This is Dr. Kelly’s most successful ‘Creating Engaging Content’ package: Virtual Content Mastery – Plan, Create, and Publish the most consumed informative content on the web!  If you want more information on this program email: drkelly@lrnit.ca

The top 3 things you need to do BEFORE you start the content creation process. This process will change how you create everything!

There are some basic steps that will direct your creation process like a laser beam.

If you have been developing content without a process, a strategy then you are just throwing darts in the dark and hoping to hit some positive If you want to make content that matters, content that makes a difference, content that people love to consume check out www.LRNiT.ca for our next content challenge.

If you got some real value from this video then hit “SUBSCRIBE” and turn on notifications so that you don’t miss anything!

This is Dr. Kelly’s most successful ‘Creating Engaging Content’ package: Virtual Content Mastery – Plan, Create, and Publish the most consumed informative content on the web! If you want more information on this program email: drkelly@lrnit.ca

Anxiety-related google searches are up over 37%, everyone is feeling a little or a lot of anxiety these days!  Find out how best to calm people down and make them comfortable so that they can learn and benefit from your content!  If you want to watch the full episode click the link (link goes to the youtube channel)

Anxiety is real.  Google reports increases in anxiety-related searches over the past two years.  In episode #45 we are going to get into some of the best ways to deal with high anxiety students and staff in the learning environment.

If you want to make content that matters, content that makes a difference, and content that people love to consume check out www.LRNiT.ca for our next content challenge.

If you got some real value from this video then hit “SUBSCRIBE” and turn on notifications so that you don’t miss anything!

This is Dr. Kelly’s most successful ‘Creating Engaging Content’ package: Virtual Content Mastery – Plan, Create, and Publish the most consumed informative content on the web!  If you want more information on this program email: drkelly@lrnit.ca

If you want to know how best to deal with angry, upset, put-out, or just plain mad students or staff in an educational environment then this episode is for you!  To watch the full episode click the link.

Dealing with angry students or staff can be a real challenge, and it happens far more often than you think.  Watch episode #44 for some great tips and tricks to break through to angry people. 

If you want to make content that matters, content that makes a difference, and content that people love to consume check out www.LRNiT.ca for our next content challenge.

If you got some real value from this video then hit “SUBSCRIBE” and turn on notifications so that you don’t miss anything!

This is Dr. Kelly’s most successful ‘Creating Engaging Content’ package: Virtual Content Mastery – Plan, Create, and Publish the most consumed informative content on the web!  If you want more information on this program email: drkelly@lrnit.ca

It’s a mixed bag of nuts!  If your people are eating nuts, drinking Slurpees, texting, or surfing the web…guess what…they are not paying attention!  In episode #43 We are going to get into some super easy directional techniques that you can do to pull everyone back in and have them eating out of the palm of your hand!

If you want to make content that matters, content that makes a difference, and content that people love to consume check out www.LRNiT.ca for our next content challenge.

If you got some real value from this video then hit “SUBSCRIBE” and turn on notifications so that you don’t miss anything!

This is Dr. Kelly’s most successful ‘Creating Engaging Content’ package: Virtual Content Mastery – Plan, Create, and Publish the most consumed informative content on the web!  If you want more information on this program email: drkelly@lrnit.ca

How do you know if you are spurring inspiration or just forcing regurgitation in this episode of the learn moment, we’re gonna be talking about how to know if your customers are actually learning.

If you want to make content that matters, content that makes a difference, and content that people love to consume check out www.LRNiT.ca for our next content challenge.

If you got some real value from this video then hit “SUBSCRIBE” and turn on notifications so that you don’t miss anything!

This is Dr. Kelly’s most successful ‘Creating Engaging Content’ package: Virtual Content Mastery – Plan, Create, and Publish the most consumed informative content on the web!  If you want more information on this program email: drkelly@lrnit.ca

In this episode, we are going to talk about an epidemic…the 6-second attention span in our society. Getting people’s attention is one this but keeping it is totally another. 

Here are some easy-to-implement techniques to make sure your people are ‘with’ you during the conversation.

If you want to make content that matters, content that makes a difference, and content that people love to consume check out www.LRNiT.ca for our next content challenge.

If you got some real value from this video then hit “SUBSCRIBE” and turn on notifications so that you don’t miss anything!

This is Dr. Kelly’s most successful ‘Creating Engaging Content’ package: Virtual Content Mastery – Plan, Create, and Publish the most consumed informative content on the web!  If you want more information on this program email: drkelly@lrnit.ca

In this episode, we are going to talk about an epidemic…the 6-second attention span in our society. Getting people’s attention is one this but keeping it is totally another. 

Here are some easy-to-implement techniques to make sure your people are ‘with’ you during the conversation.

If you want to make content that matters, content that makes a difference, and content that people love to consume check out www.LRNiT.ca for our next content challenge.

If you got some real value from this video then hit “SUBSCRIBE” and turn on notifications so that you don’t miss anything!

This is Dr. Kelly’s most successful ‘Creating Engaging Content’ package: Virtual Content Mastery – Plan, Create, and Publish the most consumed informative content on the web!  If you want more information on this program email: drkelly@lrnit.ca

If you use these 3 words in ANY discussion with your people you will lose them!  90% of them will turn off, shut down, and look for other distractions to get away from you and your content!

So, what do you do when you need to train someone who need new skills?  What can you do if there are facts, data, or procedures that you need to get across to your people but you know that you should never use these 3 words…find out in this episode of LNRiT tv.

If you want to make content that matters, content that makes a difference, and content that people love to consume check out www.LRNiT.ca for our next content challenge.

If you got some real value from this video then hit “SUBSCRIBE” and turn on notifications so that you don’t miss anything!

This is Dr. Kelly’s most successful ‘Creating Engaging Content’ package: Virtual Content Mastery – Plan, Create, and Publish the most consumed informative content on the web!  If you want more information on this program email: drkelly@lrnit.ca

If you really want to engage your clients, your staff, your patients, or your students then please listen up!

How can you increase online engagement without breaking the bank?

You can not provide ‘boxed’ content to the world of consumers and just hope that it strikes a chord.  Presenting content in a manner that is actually interesting to the consumers is a process, there are steps and techniques to maximize content relevance that have proven to make a massive difference in engagement.

If you want to make content that matters, content that makes a difference, and content that people love to consume check out www.LRNiT.ca for our next content challenge.

If you got some real value from this video then hit “SUBSCRIBE” and turn on notifications so that you don’t miss anything!

This is Dr. Kelly’s most successful ‘Creating Engaging Content’ package: Virtual Content Mastery – Plan, Create, and Publish the most consumed informative content on the web!  If you want more information on this program email: drkelly@lrnit.ca

If you really want to engage your clients, your staff, your patients, or your students then please listen up!

Most online content sucks, you know it, I know it, everyone knows it…except maybe for the guy who created it!

Creating great content is a process!  Can everyone do it?  Absolutely!  Do most people follow a step-by-step plan to create content or just wing it…find out in this Episode of LRNiT TV.

If you want to make content that matters, content that makes a difference, and content that people love to consume check out www.LRNiT.ca for our next content challenge.

If you got some real value from this video then hit “SUBSCRIBE” and turn on notifications so that you don’t miss anything!

This is Dr. Kelly’s most successful ‘Creating Engaging Content’ package: Virtual Content Mastery – Plan, Create, and Publish the most consumed informative content on the web!  If you want more information on this program email: drkelly@lrnit.ca

If you really want to engage your clients, your staff, your patients, or your students then please listen up!

Everyone thinks creating a course is easy, record some videos and put it up on YouTube and people will watch it, they will learn what you taught them and the world will be a better place.

Nothing could be further from the truth! There are over 720,000 hours of new content being created every day on YouTube, so unless your content is compelling, relevant, and engaging NO ONE will ever see it!

If you want to make content that matter, content that makes a difference, content that people love to consume check out www.LRNiT.ca

If you got some real value from this video then hit “SUBSCRIBE” and turn on notifications so that you don’t miss anything!

Where do your deepest fears lie and how do they stop you from achieving everything you are working towards?

Join hosts Dr. Kelly & Charlie as they discuss the famous quote by Marianne Williamson, “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure…” and what it means to them.

Where do your deepest fears lie and how do they stop you from achieving everything you are working towards?

“From Trigger Proof to Badassery; Change Your Life in 90 Minutes!”

Today’s guest, Dr. Nima, helps people who are stuck in toxic relationships, career limbo, and emotional trauma to overcome their anxiety and create powerfully aligned relationships by deepening their intimate relationship with the most important person of all: themselves.

He can help you change your life in just 90 minutes – become trigger-proof and create your own reality!

Find Dr. Nima Online

“Change Your Metabolism to Change Your Life!”

Metabolic Balance is an amazing diet program designed specifically for you!

Diet isn’t a one-size-fits-all; each client has individual needs like allergies or intolerances and many standard diet plans don’t take this into consideration.

Metabolic Balance tailors your diet plan to you as an individual – helping you to reach your weight loss goals!

Learn more about Metabolic Balance

“Ready to Quit? Frustrated? Want a Miracle? Then You Need to Get in the Zone!”

Episode 33 talks in depth with Dr. Pete Goldman about his amazing technique, the Zone Technique.

Don’t get frustrated. Don’t quit. GET IN THE ZONE!

Find out more about the Zone Technique

“Changing the World One Muscle at a Time!”

Can you really change the world, one muscle at a time? Today’s guest says yes!

Dr. Keith talks about his new technique and how it is changing the game for not only his patients but the chiropractic profession.

Find Neuromuscular Balance Technique online

“How to Tell the Truth So That People Listen and Change Lives!”

The truth can be a hard pill to swallow. But the truth can also set you free.

For many individuals, they don’t want to know the truth about why they do what they do – and ultimately that can hold them back.

Today’s guest wants nothing but the truth. Where do you stand?

Find Tru Chiro online

You Can Do Anything in Life and Be Massively Successful If You Do It Effortlessly!

The struggle to make it in life is real. But the truth is that you can have massive amounts of success when you work hard and put in the time and effort that it takes. But doing things effortlessly takes it to a whole other level.

Today’s guest is a master.

Today’s Guest: Dr. Richard Avery

Dr. Richard Avery is known as The Chiropractic Niche Coach.

He’s a highly sought out chiropractic coach because of his EFFORTLESS Clinic Growth System that allows doctors to effortlessly grow a thriving clinic within less than 60 days.

In addition, unlike other chiropractic coaches that train their clients on how to convince/sell to their patients, Dr. Richard is the coach that teaches doctors how to communicate in a manner that gets your consults to SELL THEMSELVES on your care… for a truly effortless close.

Find Effortless Chiro Close online.

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You Created This Reality So Take Responsibility for Where You Are and Here Is How to Make It Better!

The reality we live in is the one we’ve created. We’ve gone through the struggle and are still emerging.

But what happens when we take a look at our current reality and we’re not happy with it? Who do we blame? Who do we look to to fix it?

Ourselves. We created it. And if we’re not happy, we’re responsible for steering our reality in the direction we want it to go in.

Today’s Guest: Dr. Clayton Roach

Dr. Clayton Roach is a successful chiropractor and owner of Roach Chiropractic Centre in Bedford, Nova Scotia, Canada; one of the most accomplished chiropractic clinics in Eastern Canada.

Since starting, he has consistently been incorporating winning strategies into his practice and has received many awards elevating his practice to an elite level.

Constantly striving to improve and grow, he has worked with many of the great thought leaders in his profession. He has a passion for teaching and helping people express the greatness that’s already within them.

He is co-founder of Chiro MBA in partnership with Derrick Westhaver. Together, they deliver a methodology that combines both their knowledge and experiences, creating the perfect blend for an innovative program tailored to build chiropractic entrepreneurs.

Find ChiroMBA online.

Know Your Why, Stay Together and Change the World!

Your “why” is the powerful driver that can keep you on the right path to your goals and targets. Checking in on your “why” often and making sure it is keeping you on the track you want to be on is crucial.

And if you consistently stick with your “why”, and everything that you do supports it, you can change the world!

Today’s Guest: Dr. Beau Pierce

Dr. Beau Pierce owns and operates one of the fastest-growing practices on the central coast of California.

His unique wellness model, which puts chiropractic care front and center, has been proven to help thousands of patients each month.

In addition to operating his practice and managing his four other associates, he is the founder of CircleofDocs.com, the #1 most read chiropractic website in the world.

He enjoys traveling the world with his family and helping other doctors unleash the true health leader within each of them. He recently launched a brand new full-service website agency specifically for growth-focused chiropractors, Well Rounded Marketing.

Find Circle of Docs online.

“Why Health + Wealth = Freedom and How You Can Get More of It!”

Two questions to ask yourself every morning – “How is my health?” and “how is my financial health?” Asking these every day will help you on your route to freedom.

But how can those two questions help? Today’s guest, Derrick Westhaver, shares his precious insight!

Find 4Blade Consulting online

“Master Education so You Can Master Your Life!”

Education is a major part of our lives; helping to expand our knowledge, open new doors and opportunities, and direct us on our many paths in life. But what happens when we struggle with education? How do we succeed?

Today’s guest hasn’t always had it easy, but he learned how to master education, and in turn, master his life. His story is a great one!

Find Dr. John Demartini online

“The Power of Consistently Showing up as Who You Are Becoming Will Change Your Life!”

“Consistency is key.” We’ve all heard it before. But how many of us are consistent?

When we make a change in life, whether career or personal, the importance of consistency is ramped up.

We’re evolving and changing from the person we used to be, so consistently showing up, and showing up as the individual we are becoming should be a huge priority.

The rewards from doing this are huge. And trust us, the end result will be so worth it. Find Jim Chester online

“Living Proof Your Life Can Change in a Single Moment!”

A single event can change your life, whether it be the birth of a child, a sudden illness, or even someone planting a seed or an idea. And suddenly, your path changes.

For our guest today, all three of those examples apply. Finding out she was pregnant at a young age helped her focus her life in a much different direction. A career change after a seed planted by a single comment. And an illness that damaged her health, and pushed her onto a mission of helping others who have experienced the same.

All it takes is one moment. And your life could change forever. But not necessarily for the worse. It can be exactly what we need as a push towards making new goals and finding our true purpose in life.

Find Dr. Amelia online

“What Are You Lying to Yourself About? Tough Questions Get Results!”

We shy away from hard questions – the tough ones that really help us pinpoint where we are in life. But why? We’re only lying to ourselves and preventing ourselves from moving forward to our full potential.

It doesn’t have to be a huge ordeal. Sit down, get real with yourself, ask the hard questions, and figure out exactly where you are in life. After all, how can you form a plan to get to the top when you don’t know where you are RIGHT NOW?

Find Dr. Jason online

“Mastering Your Knowledge so That You Can Make Life Simple!”

Life doesn’t have to be hard.

We like to soak up as much knowledge as possible in order to elevate ourselves to the next level. When we master the knowledge we consume, life can become so much more simple.

Find Dr. Skip online

“Powerful Philosophies Can Transform Apparent Failures Into Success and Contribution!”

Life can take many different turns; good and bad. But why do we fixate so much on the apparent failures? And when we do this, how can we turn it around?

Creating powerful philosophies allow us to transform these “failures” into amazing success, into amazing contribution, and into an amazing life.

Find Dr. Wade online

“Creating Powerful Habits so You Can Be Unstoppable!”

You can have it all; the amazing marriage, fantastic kids, thriving practice, and still feel empty. And with that emptiness comes pain and then sedation.

The struggle is real and raw.

But that’s not the end of the line. Refill your cup. Implement the tools that are going to help you thrive. Learn the power of habits and what good they can do for you. Find Dr. Ryan online