From Frustration To Inspiration

This is how you can make frustration your best friend in any work environment; in your classroom, with your coworkers, or in the new staff training that you’re trying to implement. It’s time to get excited about this article. I’m going to give you four key things you need to do to make frustration your […]

The 3 Most Important Things To Consider Before You Create

  The top three most important things you need to know before you start your content creation. The purpose of your content is what you’re actually doing out there to provide value back. Some people are entertainers, and if you’re an entertainer, great, you already know you want to entertain. You want to evoke an […]

How To Diffuse A Bomb

What’s the best way to diffuse a bomb? We’re going to be talking about angry learners, angry students, angry consumers, angry customers, angry users. What’s the best way to diffuse a bomb? Is it the red or the green wire? We’re going to find out  and I’ve got a story for you. I remember I […]

What To Do With Anxiety!

In this episode, we’re gonna be talking about anxiety and how to deal with it. It’s really easy to see if somebody’s angry or upset or anxious. But it’s way harder to tell if there’s anxiety because it doesn’t show up in the same way as other people. Anxiety is more common than you think. […]

Is your Audience Eating Mixed Nuts ​

Serious question: if a tree falls on you in the woods and there’s no one there to witness it, do you feel it? You feel it’s been there? I haven’t had a tree, but I’ve definitely tripped in the woods. No one had to witness it. I felt it. But how do you know, like […]

Spurring Innovation

How do you know if you are spurring inspiration or just forcing regurgitation? We’re going to be talking about how to know if your customers are actually learning. And remember, when we’re talking about customers, it’s everybody. Everyone who is consuming your information, consumers, our customers, students, our customers, your staff, who you’re training our […]

The 2 Most Common Reasons Why People Won’t Learn

There are two main reasons that people will not learn. You’re going to have people that are either angry or sad. Think about how much baggage comes along in an environment. Let’s say you’re having a conversation with a loved one about, you know, an issue that’s coming up. When anger comes up, it’s crucial […]

The Most Important Aspect of Engagement Learning

We’ll go over exactly what it takes to ensure that your customers, whoever they may be, be they your spouse, your children, your staff, or your customers, are present during your conversations and why. If they’re not with you, you better pull a parachute and make something magical happen. We’re going to get into engagement […]

The 3 Worst Words in Learning

What are the three worst words you can use in any learning environment? In this episode, we’re going to get into the down and dirty of what those three words are, why we want to avoid them, and what you’re going to do to actually foster a learning environment where people are gleaning forward into […]

How To Engage Online

We’re gonna be talking about the Oilers, we’re gonna be talking about hockey, and we’re gonna be talking about the importance of No Business. We’re going to be talking about creating online training programs. We’re going to be talking about taking sales staff. That’s delivering a 22% close rate, and we want to make it […]